Subway Delays Strike Again, Tangling Over a Dozen Lines

Just Pinned to Domestic and Global News: NYC SUBWAY HELL: DELAYS STRIKE DOZEN LINES... The delays were the latest problems in a season of transit misery for the regions commuters. Subway delays have skyrocketed buses have slowed to a crawl and commuters from New Jersey and Long Island are dreading delays this summer because of looming repair work at Pennsylvania Station. Subway delays have risen in recent years to more than 75000 each month and some lines have an on-time rate of under 40 percent. Problems with the signal system parts of which date back to the 1930s are among the top reasons for delays. Many New Yorkers mistakenly believe that Mayor Bill de Blasio runs the subway but it is actually controlled by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo. Transit advocates have asked subway riders to use the hashtag #CuomosMTA during delays in an effort to hold the governor accountable. Amanda Neville used the hashtag on Monday morning when she was delayed on the F line because of signal problems. She said she wanted to make clear that Mr. Cuomo was responsible for the subways. Ms. Neville who usually commutes by bike or subway said the signal problems had started to become a morning ritual. Its noticeabl
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